:wave: Hi! ~ Hola! :wave:

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I am Marc Vila Gómez,
A Software Engineer based in Barcelona. PhD ‘cum laude’ + MSc + BSc in Computer Science.

🌎 Software Engineer & Team Leader at Worldsensing.
🎓 Ph.D. in Computer Science ‘cum laude’ from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, with International mention and Industrial mention. About my PhD Research Topic: Monitoring physical infrastructures using Internet of Things devices, Semantics and Microservices Architectures.
🏢 Founder of TDTChannels, a platform to watch television and radio, for free!
💻 On my spare time, I am co-leading Ruedoeneléctrica and CatalunyaMeteo.

📫 If you are interested in working with me or anything similar, feel free to get in touch.

🏃 Running + 🚴 Cycling + ⚽ Futsal + ⛅ Meteo.
🐢 Trachemys scripta elegans + 🐢 Trachemys scripta scripta.
🦜 Nymphicus hollandicus (normal-grey) + 🦜 Nymphicus hollandicus (albino).

Programming Skills

Python + FastAPI


React + Typescript

Android (in Java)

Other Skills

Software Development (See below and left)

DevOps / Cloud Dev. (Google Cloud, AWS)

Software Modeling

Agile Methodologies

Other languages: Java, Javascript, C++, C, SQL, HTML, XML, CSS, …
Other technologies / frameworks: FastAPI, Flask, Nginx, InfluxDB, NodeJS, …
Other tools, such as: Firebase, Grafana, OpenSearch, SonarCloud, QATouch, …

Work Experience

June 2018 — Present

Software Engineer & Team Leader

Worldsensing - Barcelona, Spain

August 2023 - Present
I manage a full-stack cloud software team of eight members in an agile (Scrum) environment, driving the development and delivery of the company's core software-cloud product. As a Software Engineer, I apply cloud-native solutions to develop backend and frontend solutions for the main cloud product.
Tech: Python, FastAPI, Flask, React, Typescript, Java, Docker, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis.
Tools: Google Cloud Platform, SonarCloud, Cloudflare, QATouch.
January 2022 - August 2023
Led the Innovation Software team, a three-person team (plus cross-team collaboration). Lead Engineer for several projects, driving them to successful on-time delivery with exceptional results.
Tech: Python, Flask, FastAPI, React, Typescript, Docker, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
Tools: Grafana, SonarCloud, Google Cloud Platform.
June 2018 - January 2022
Defined, designed, and implemented software projects at the Innovation department. Using Microservices architectures, REST APIs, and Agile methodologies. Backend, Frontend, DevOps, and Android developer.
Tech: Python, Flask, Docker, React, SQL, NoSQL, InfluxDB, Android, Grafana.
Tools: Jenkins, Telegraf, Google Cloud Platform.

March 2023 — March 2024

Tech Advisor

QALEA Cybersecurity - Barcelona, Spain

Architected and led the software that powered the product launch, establishing the infrastructure from the ground up and serving as technical advisor.

March 2018 — July 2022

Associate Professor

UPC School - Barcelona, Spain

Teaching the Android part of the Master's Degree in Internet of Things (IoT). First steps for non-Android-developers, how Android works, data exploitation through APIs, and data visualization. Combining these elements with an IoT ecosystem.

December 2019 — January 2020

Associate Professor

CIFO Hospitalet - Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain

Teaching the Android part of the 'Pla: Tècnic/a eines i tecnologies de xarxa mòbils en 5G, from the Generalitat de Catalunya'. First steps for non-Android-developers, how Android works, data exploitation through APIs, and data visualization. Combining these elements with an IoT ecosystem.

September 2014 — June 2018

Software Developer

InLab FIB UPC - Barcelona, Spain

Mobile developer, but also in other areas as Backend, Frontend, and DevOps. Main projects:

- 2017 to 2018: Helping a Catalan Startup in the IoT Healthcare domain. Full-stack role.
- 2015 to 2017: SEAT Parkfinder - Developing an Android application for SEAT Connected Car. The app communicates with the Infotainment system of the vehicle, using MirrorLink. It allows to locate parking spots in Barcelona. Consuming data from several APIs. Framed in the Smart-Cities European project, iCity. (Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3, Screenshot 4, Screenshot 5) (InLab, El Periódico, La Vanguardia, Crónica Global, La Sexta, ABC, OK Diario, Hoy.es, Autopista, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Nacio Digital, Auto10, Finanzas.com, La Repubblica (Italy), ComputerBild (Germany), Motor1 (USA))
- 2015: Designing and developing a website. An approach to improve the energy efficiency of buildings through user-recommendations. (Screenshot 1)
- 2014 to 2015: SEAT HeartRate - Developing a widget for an Android app and a Tizen app for Samsung wearables in the frame of SEAT Connected Car. The goal is to collect and represent the user's biometrical data. (Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2)


2019 — 2024

PhD in Computer Science

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona, Spain

Research Topic - Cum Laude, International (*), and Industrial mentions (Worldsensing).
(*) Visiting Scientist at Distributed Systems Group (TU Wien), September to December 2021.

Computer Science department - Information Modeling & Processing.

2016 — 2019

MSc in Computer Science

Direction and Management & Information Technologies
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona, Spain

Top 3 promotion.
Master's Curriculum.

2011 — 2016

BSc in Computer Science

Computer Engineering
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona, Spain

Top 50 of 235 promotion.
Base degree curriculum.
Computer Engineering specialization curriculum.