
The hackathon – Fishackathon 2018

February 2018 - Cádiz (Spain)

La Universidad de Cádiz (UCA), el Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (CeiMar) y la Embajada de Estados Unidos en España, con la colaboración del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación, y Medio Ambiente y Santander Universidades, celebrarán por primera vez en la provincia gaditana los días 10 y 11 de febrero la iniciativa ‘Fishackathon 2018’.

Hacking starts at 10:00 PM on Saturday and end at 15:00 PM on Sunday.

The problem

Fisheries laws are based on time and location, i.e. areas that can and cannot be fished between particular calendar dates, from open ocean areas into inshore bays and estuaries. A smart solution is required to allow fishers to access the relevant regulatory requirements for fishing in a given area, presented in text and graphically, to inform their actions. The solution should be based on the vessel-specific location and operate from oceanic fisheries to inshore waters, providing all the relevant rules that apply to each area.

The solution

“Fish the Rule” is an application that geolocates the user in the land or the sea. It gives information related to the fishing regulations that could affect them depending on the type of ship, the location, and the date.

Also, it has an Augmented Reality system to show the users the laws and rules through the camera of its phones.


Every day fishers around the world break maritime laws for many reasons, some for lack of knowledge of them. We want to make it more accessible and simple to accomplish the maritime regulations, which are constantly changing, in all areas (European, national and regional).




Hackathon result: -.

Role in the project: Android Developer and AR.

Project code: FishTheRule - GitHub.

Appears in:

Hackathon website: Not available.